The vi module is not well written or tested at this point.
The vi module holds classes for GPIB/VISA instruments that are intricately related to skrf. Most of the classes were created for the sole purpose of retrieving data so that calibration and measurements could be carried out offline with skrf, therefore most other instrument capabilities are neglected.
To use the virtual instrument classes you must have pyvisa installed, and a working VISA installation.
A list of VNA’s that have been are partially supported.
An example usage of the HP8510C class to retrieve some s-parameter data
In [1]: from import vna
In [2]: my_vna = vna.HP8510C(address =16)
#if an error is thrown at this point there is most likely a problem with your visa setup
In [3]: dut_1 = my_vna.s11
In [4]: dut_2 = my_vna.s21
In [5]: dut_3 = my_vna.two_port
Unfortunately, the syntax is different for every VNA class, so the above example wont directly translate to other VNA’s. Re-writing all of the VNA classes to follow the same convention is on the TODO list