The requirements to run skrf are basically a Python environment setup to do numerical/scientific computing. If you are new to development, you may want to install a pre-built scientific python IDE like pythonxy or the enthought python distribution. Either of these ditributions will install all requirements, as well as provide a nice environment to get started in. If you dont want use pythonxy or enthought see Requirements.
Once the requirements are installed, there are two choices for installing skrf:
These can be found at
If you dont know how to install a python module and dont care to learn how, you want the windows installer.
The current version can be accessed through github. This is mainly of interest for developers.
If import skrf and dont recieve an error, then installation was succesful.
In [1]: import skrf as rf
If instead you get an error like this,
In [2]: import skrf as rf
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-41c4ee663aa9> in <module>()
----> 1 import skrf as rf
ImportError: No module named skrf
Then installation was unsuccesful. If you need help post to the mailing list.
For debian-based linux users who dont want to install pythonxy, here is a one-shot line to install all requirements,
sudo apt-get install python-pyvisa python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib ipython python python-setuptools
Once setuptools is installed you can install skrf through easy_install
easy_install scikit-rf