
class skrf.frequency.Frequency(start=0, stop=0, npoints=0, unit='ghz', sweep_type='lin')

A frequency band.

The frequency object provides a convenient way to work with and access a frequency band. It contains a fruequency vector as well as a frequency unit. This allows a frequency vector in a given unit to be available (f_scaled), as well as an absolute frquency axis in ‘Hz’ (f).

A Frequency object can be created from either (start, stop, npoints) using the default constructor, __init__(). Or, it can be created from an arbitrary frequency vector by using the class method from_f().

Internally, the frequency information is stored in the f property combined with the unit property. All other properties, start stop, etc are generated from these.


center Center frequency.
f Frequency vector in Hz
f_scaled Frequency vector in units of unit
multiplier Multiplier for formating axis
npoints starting frequency in Hz
span the frequency span
start starting frequency in Hz
step the inter-frequency step size
stop starting frequency in Hz
unit Unit of this frequency band.
w Frequency vector in radians/s


__init__ Frequency initializer.
copy returns a new copy of this frequency
from_f Alternative constructor of a Frequency object from a frequency
labelXAxis Label the x-axis of a plot.

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