
NetworkSet.signature(m=0, n=0, from_mean=False, operation='__sub__', component='s_mag', vmax=None, *args, **kwargs)

visualization of relative changes in a NetworkSet.

Creates a colored image representing the devation of each Network from the from mean Network of the NetworkSet, vs frequency.

Parameters :

m : int

first s-parameters index

n : int

second s-parameter index

from_mean : Boolean

calculate distance from mean if True. or distance from first network in networkset if False.

operation : [‘__sub__’, ‘__div__’], ..

operation to apply between each network and the reference network, which is either the mean, or the initial ntwk.

component : [‘s_mag’,’s_db’,’s_deg’ ..]

scalar component of Network to plot on the imshow. should be a property of the Network object.

vmax : number

sets upper limit of colorbar, if None, will be set to 3*mean of the magnitude of the complex difference

*args,**kwargs : arguments, keyword arguments

passed to imshow()

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