
class skrf.calibration.calibration.Calibration(measured, ideals, type=None, is_reciprocal=False, name=None, sloppy_input=False, **kwargs)

An object to represent a VNA calibration instance.

A Calibration object is used to perform a calibration given a set meaurements and ideals responses. It can run a calibration, store results, and apply the results to calculate corrected measurements.


Ts T-matricies used for de-embeding, a two-port calibration.
caled_ntwk_sets returns a NetworkSet for each caled_ntwk, based on their names
caled_ntwks list of the calibrated, calibration standards.
coefs coefs: a dictionary holding the calibration coefficients
coefs_ntwks for one port cal’s
coefs_ntwks_2p coefs: a dictionary holding the calibration coefficients
error_ntwk A Network object which represents the error network being
nports the number of ports in the calibration
nstandards number of ideal/measurement pairs in calibration
output_from_cal a dictionary holding all of the output from the calibration
residual_ntwks returns a the residuals for each calibration standard in the
residuals if calibration is overdeteremined, this holds the residuals
type string representing what type of calibration is to be


__init__ Calibration initializer.
apply_cal apply the current calibration to a measurement.
apply_cal_to_all_in_dir convience function to apply calibration to an entire directory
biased_error estimate of biased error for overdetermined calibration with
plot_caled_ntwks Plot specified parameters the :caled_ntwks.
plot_coefs plot magnitude of the error coeficient dictionary
plot_errors plot calibration error metrics for an over-determined calibration.
plot_residuals plots a component of the residual errors on the Calibration-plane.
plot_residuals_db see plot_residuals
plot_residuals_mag see plot_residuals
plot_residuals_smith see plot_residuals
plot_uncertainty_per_standard Plots uncertainty associated with each calibration standard.
run runs the calibration algorihtm.
total_error estimate of total error for overdetermined calibration with
unbiased_error estimate of unbiased error for overdetermined calibration with
uncertainty_per_standard given that you have repeat-connections of single standard,
write Write the Calibration to disk using write()

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