.. _installation: **************** Installation **************** .. contents:: Introduction ----------------- The requirements to run **skrf** are basically a Python_ environment setup to do numerical/scientific computing. If you are new to development, you may want to install a pre-built scientific python IDE like pythonxy_ or the `enthought python distribution `_. Either of these `ditributions` will install all requirements, as well as provide a nice environment to get started in. If you dont want use pythonxy_ or enthought see `Requirements`_. .. note:: If you want to use **skrf** for instrument control you will need to install `pyvisa `_ as well as the NI-GPIB drivers. You may also be interested in `Pythics `_ , which provides a simple way to build graphical interfaces to virtual instruments. **skrf** Installation ----------------------------- Once the requirements are installed, there are two choices for installing **skrf**: * windows installer * python source package These can be found at http://scikit-rf.org/download.html If you dont know how to install a python module and dont care to learn how, you want the windows installer. The current version can be accessed through `github `_. This is mainly of interest for developers. Testing Installation ---------------------- If import **skrf** and dont recieve an error, then installation was succesful. .. ipython:: In [138]: import skrf as rf If instead you get an error like this, .. ipython:: :verbatim: In [1]: import skrf as rf --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 import skrf as rf \ ImportError: No module named skrf Then installation was unsuccesful. If you need help post to the `mailing list `_. Requirements ------------ Debian-Based Linux ====================== For debian-based linux users who dont want to install pythonxy_, here is a one-shot line to install all requirements, :: sudo apt-get install python-pyvisa python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib ipython python python-setuptools Once `setuptools` is installed you can install skrf through ``easy_install`` :: easy_install scikit-rf Necessary ============= * python (>=2.6) http://www.python.org/ * numpy http://numpy.scipy.org/ * scipy http://www.scipy.org/ * matplotlib http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/ Optional ========== * ipython http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/ - for interactive shell * pyvisa http://pyvisa.sourceforge.net/pyvisa/ - for instrument control * Pythics http://code.google.com/p/pythics - instrument control and gui creation .. _Python: http://www.python.org/ .. _pythonxy: http://code.google.com/p/pythonxy/